Your Surname
Home Address
Home Telephone Number:
Mobile number:
Work telephone:
Email address:
Native language:
Host 1
Occupation Employment History:
DBS Held: NoYes
Year DBS taken:
Host 2
Children living away from home: YesNo
Children living at this address 1:
Children living at this address 2:
Other Adults living at this address:
Other Adults living at this address 2:
Do you have any pets?: NoYes
Do you have Wi-Fi: NoYes
Does anyone in the household smoke: NoYes ...... Location How far is your house from the town centre?:
How long would it take to walk from your house to the town centre?:
Is there a frequent bus service: NoYes
Is there a bus stop near your house: NoYes
How far is the bus stop?:
Accommodating students:
Please tick which of the following types of students you would be happy to accommodate:
MalesFemalesShort term (1-4 weeks)Long term (1-12 months)Students over ChristmasSmokers
Please tick which ages you would prefer:
Under 1616-1818-3030-50Over 50
Can you cater for?
VegetariansMuslim DietSelf-CateringGluten free/Coeliac
Please number how many rooms are available?
Single bedroom Twin bedroom Double bedroom En-site bedroom
Have you had students before?: NoYes
Further Information:
Please provide information on your hobbies and interests:
EXTRA DOCUMENTS: Driving license/insurance document/passport. Gas Safe certificate for your boiler and/or gas fire.
References Please give the names and addresses of two people who can provide a reference for you. They can be a host family, a friend, a work colleague, etc. You cannot use family members.
Reference 1 Name:
Reference 2 Name: