Exam Preparation


IELTS is the most important exam for English language learners required by UK and US universities. If you are intending to do a degree in the UK, you will need an IELTS score from an approved UKVI SELT (Secure English Language Testing) testing centre.

The intensive English course GE30 offers General English in the morning with more academic skills work and IELTS exam strategies in the afternoons.


Inlingua Cheltenham is a preparation centre for many ESOL exams which could provide you with the opportunity to gain entrance to colleges and universities worldwide or give you the qualification you need to enhance your career. At inlingua Cheltenham we can prepare you for the next step in your life.

Please note: that if you are looking to achieve a particular score, we will test your English ability online before accepting your booking for this course to ensure that your goal is realistic.